As part of the eleven-county Piedmont Triad region (population: 1.6 million), Guilford County is centered along the Piedmont industrial crescent stretching from Raleigh to Charlotte. The County’s traditional employment base of textiles, apparel and furniture has diversified greatly in the last fifty years. An excellent transportation infrastructure, including Interstate highway’s 40, 85, 73 and 74, Piedmont Triad International Airport, and readily available rail and truck service, has helped to solidify the County’s position as a major distribution and transportation center in the Southeast.
Guilford County affords the full range of amenities of a thriving urban area, including multiple regional shopping malls and more than three million square feet of retail space. Five acute care hospitals provide nearly 1,500 licensed beds, and three nationally prominent teaching hospitals are within an hour’s drive of the County. The public school system serves 73,000 students PK-12 in 126 schools; 8 colleges, universities and a community college serve a total of 29,000 students. Major cultural and recreational events include the North Carolina Shakespeare Festival, the Eastern Music Festival, the City Stage street festival, and the Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic professional golf tournament.