Pair Safety with Innovation
We provide the products you need to avoid risk by adhering to cGMP practices and lot traceability. With the amount of money that goes into taking a drug through the creation pipeline it makes sense to align yourself with our team of industry experts like Berkshire. We can help you commit to the highly regulated, proper compliance necessary in an industry where every step of the process is mandatory. Our contamination control experts are here to assist you using a unique combination of knowledge, innovation, and products.
- Critical Pharmaceutical Cleaning Tasks
- Surface Cleaning & Cleaning Validation
- Pharmaceutical Cleanroom & Manumitting Environments
- Production Equipment & Component Cleaning
- Aseptic Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing Tasks
- Isolators, Biological Safety Cabinets, Laminar Flow Hoods and Other Mini-Environments
- Meets & Exceeds Industry Standards
- High Solvent Resistance
- Minimal particles, fibers, ions and extractables.
- Strong Abrasion Resistance
- Safe in Use
- Low Cost in Use
Top Pharma Products

Sterile SatPax® MS-WFI

Low Endotoxin Wipes

Isolator Cleaning Tool

Low Endotoxin