Sources of Cleanroom Contamination



What Are The Most Common Sources Of Contamination In A Cleanroom?

  • People & Personnel – saliva, skin flakes, human hair, cosmetics, perspiration
  • Objects – floating particles from aerosols, moisture
  • Fluids – process residues: grease, lubricant oil residue, solvent residue, process chemicals
  • Tools -stagnant water in water lines and tanks is prone to accumulation of bacterial growth
  • Equipment – processing equipment: abrasion, oxidation, peeling, flaking, fracturing, braking, static charges, vibrations
  • Processes – packaging: glass fragments, rubber from stoppers, outgassing from plastic sheets or bag, dust, dirt

What Are The Most Common Types Of Cleanroom Contamination?

  • Skin Particles
  • Fibers
  • Dust
  • Grease
  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Metals
  • Fungi
  • NVRS (Non-volatile Residues)
  • Ions
  • Films


Using Cheap Or Substandard Cleanroom Wipes & Cleaning Supplies Is A Common Source Of Cleanroom Contamination.

Purchase price is only one aspect of buying cleanroom consumable products. TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) is a more accurate model for determining the true value of your consumable products, after all, the hidden costs associated with contamination in a product or process are staggering.

What Can You Do To Prevent Cleanroom Contamination?

  • Follow a validated cleaning protocol with written SOPs
  • Choose and use qualified cleanroom wipes and other cleanroom cleaning supplies.
  • Contact us Today! We offer Expert Advice & Free Evaluation Services.

“Sources of Cleanroom Contamination” is an excellent introduction to the most common sources of cleanroom contamination. We’ve added bonus content showing specific types of contamination you might not realize are in your cleanroom. Remember, static electricity can not only damage your equipment but ultimately your product…Contact a Cleanroom Specialist learn about Berkshire’s products…?

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