Let’s analyze the advantages and disadvantages of using dry wipes with spray versus presaturated wipes for cleanroom applications.
Storage Space/Stock Control:
Your company’s cleaning and disinfectant supplies generally take up a fair amount of costly storage space. Presaturated wipes eliminate the need to store separate liquid solutions, spray bottles, and wipes. Additionally, while the pack of dry wipes and spray bottles must be wiped down and brought into the cleanroom pass-through separately, presaturated wipes can be brought in alone after being wiped down.
Operator Error:
Errors in chemical preparation, such as improper dilution of IPA before filling spray bottles, can occur. It can be challenging to ensure that the operator is wetting the wipe to the correct level of dampness and that the correct wetting can be consistently reproduced. The operator may also struggle to decide whether to spray the wipe directly or on the surface. In contrast, presaturated wipes come prepared with the proper ratio of liquids for the task, which also helps reduce VOC emissions.
Time Savings:
A cleanroom wiper must be quarter folded before use to ensure that eight clean sides are available for each pass on the surface. When using a dry wipe and spray bottle, the operator must fold the wipe, pick up the spray bottle, spray the wipe, set down the bottle, wipe the surface, flip the wipe over, and repeat the process for each of the eight sides. In contrast, with presaturated wipes, only the folding step is required.
A cleanroom has numerous environmental surfaces, including benchtops, counters, tables, carts, trays, the exteriors of process equipment, manufactured products, product surfaces, and operators’ gloves.
Whether you choose a refillable pack or a refillable canister, Berkshire’s presaturated wipes are optimized for consistent, application-specific cleaning. This choice saves space, time, and money while ensuring safety.
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