Tag Archives: Aerospace & Defense

Gecko Toes in Space

Gecko Grippers

During the course of the last couple of years here at Cleanroom News, we’ve had the opportunity to examine such diverse topics as functional nanomaterials and insect droids, and have been excited to delve into issues that have not only educated but also charmed and fascinated. And perhaps one of the most charming of these [Read More…]

Does Berkshire Have a Wipe That Meets Aircraft – Aerospace AMS 3819 Requirements?

aircraft engine

Does Berkshire have a wipe that meets aircraft – aerospace AMS 3819 requirements? Cloths, Cleaning, for Aircraft Primary and Secondary Structural Surfaces Durx® 670, a dry nonwoven wipe, meets AMS 3819 requirements, Class 2, Form 1 SatPax® 670, a presaturated nonwoven wipe, meets AMS 3819 requirements, Class 2, Form 2 MicroSeal SuperSorb®, a polyester wipe, [Read More…]

Human-Generated Particle Contamination

particle contamination

CLEANROOM PERSONNEL Cleanroom garments cannot contain all human detritus Particles (µm) travel up through the garments toward the head Particles (µm) fall down the legs during activity Gowning SOPs and continuous training is crucial  

Protecting NASA’s Parker Solar Probe

Parker solar probe

In 1941, John Gillespie Magee, Jr., a fighter pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force, was killed in a mid-air collision over the bucholic hamlet of Roxholme, England. Practicing maneuvers in his Spitfire VZ-H, an aircraft he’d flown in engagement with the German Luftwaffe just four weeks earlier, Magee was just 19 years old when [Read More…]

Proper Wiper Folding and Surface Cleaning Video

Cleanroom Wiper folding

Berkshire’s Guide to properly fold and use a low-linting wiper for maximum efficiency and effectiveness in a controlled environment.   Download our Cleanroom Proper Wiper Folding and Surface Cleaning Poster Today! Shop our Cleanroom Wipes

How Insect Droids Will Conquer Mars

robotic bees conquer mars

It’s an open secret that scientists tend to have a love-hate relationship with fiction. Not all fiction – less so the bodice-rippers or cozy thrillers that spill off the bookstore shelves – but one specific genre: science fiction. Sometimes known more prosaically as speculative fiction, this category of literature encompasses utopian/dystopian works, supernatural/superhero tropes, and [Read More…]

Is There a Blue Cleanroom Wipe?

blusorb -blue wipe

Q: Is there a blue cleanroom wipe?   A: Berkshire BluSorb® 750 is a 55% cellulose/45% polyester hydroentangled nonwoven blue cleanroom wipe. It is an excellent choice for a work surface mat as its blue color provides the background differentiation necessary for visual inspection applications. It has low extractable levels and particle counts. BluSorb® 750 is chemically compatible with [Read More…]

Cats, Quantum Mechanics and Augmented Reality in the Cleanroom – Oh My!

Young female doctor looking at hologram screen. Electronic medical record. Smart glasses. Medical technology concept.

Cats. Love them or loathe them, one thing is for sure: the Internet, that astounding creation that lays the sum of mankind’s knowledge, wisdom, experience, and expertise at the fingertips of anyone with even a dial-up modem, is chock full of them. From generating TGIF memes to pedaling corporate affirmations, where there’s a marketing need [Read More…]

Cleanroom Paper vs. Standard Copy Paper

cleanroom paper BCR bond

  BCR® Bond 850 100% wood pulp, synthetic latex binder Helmke Drum (particles/ft3) : 68 Na+ : 100ppm K+ : 1.7ppm Ca++ : 0.56ppm Mg++ : 0.13ppm Cl : 44ppm Standard Copy Paper 100 % wood pulp Helmke Drum (particles/ ft3) : 7200 Na+ : 1500ppm K+ : 12ppm Ca++ : 180ppm Mg++ : 61ppm Cl : 2000ppm   68ppm Vs. 7200ppm! IEST – [Read More…]

What is the Impact of ‘Multiplanetary Life’ on Commercial Aviation?

mulit planetary

The year is 1999. The location is the scientific research station Moon Base Alpha, nestled in the moon’s crater, Plato. The team of scientists is led by one Captain John Koenig who oversees operations in the orbiting satellite/nuclear waste dump. The personnel inhabiting the moon base include technicians, security, and a handful of non-humans including [Read More…]