In his frequently hilarious and always engaging 2006 travelogue, Getting Stoned with Savages: A Trip Through the Islands of Fiji and Vanuatu, memoirist J. Maarten Troost describes his multi-year sojourn in a culture that kicks back after a long day’s spear fishing in the Pacific island sun with a rather unique herbal beverage. Think of [Read More…]
Tag Archives: Healthcare
The EasyClean® 360 is the most efficient way to clean a laminar flow hood. It’s unique triangular shaped head allows it to clean the difficult tight corners in the hood. The tool is delivered with two handles, a 14” (35cm) and 24” (61cm). There is also another ordering option for a telescoping handle that will extend from 35 [Read More…]
Throughout human history, we have maintained a conflicted relationship with our bodies. We don’t just mean the struggle to lose a pound or two, or the issues some of us face with physical dysfunction. It goes so much further than that, as news headlines frequently remind us. But there’s a way in which our bodily [Read More…]
Opening soon in theaters across the nation, the movie Wonder, adapted from the eponymous bestseller by R. J. Palacio, is already the subject of intense controversy. The story centers on the character of August Pullman – ‘Auggie’ to his friends – a ten year old boy, about to start school. And Auggie is no ‘normal’ [Read More…]
Given the number of food-related articles we’ve published in recent months, you may be forgiven for thinking we are somewhat obsessed. While researching topics like activated charcoal in ice cream to wine-infused coffee beans to last month’s unveiling of the all-new ruby chocolate, we at Berkshire have enjoyed feasting our eyes on some exciting new [Read More…]
In our high-tech age where each generation is glued to a screen – texting, surfing, Instagramming, Snap-Chatting, tweeting – it’s refreshing to reflect back on earlier times. To recall the low-tech pastimes that did not rely on zeroes and ones, bits and bytes, but more on the innocence of childish wonder and learning. We’re thinking [Read More…]
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to our astute readers that here at Berkshire we love technology. All kinds of high tech – from the nanotech of graphene to the mega-tech of MarsOne. And, as a corollary, we also love the trivia that comes with it. So, ahead of next week’s other-worldly excitement of the [Read More…]
It’s the middle of the year, summer has just kicked off, and many of us are stocking up in preparation for our July 4th celebrations. Just around the corner are pool parties, dogs and burgers on the grill, and firework displays to light the balmy night red, white, and blue. With summer fun ahead, few of [Read More…]
According to the Smithsonian Institution, the world’s largest museum and research institution, there are more than 10 quintillion insects alive at any given moment.(1) That’s an estimate, of course, and quintillion – for those of us unfamiliar with the scope of the term – refers to 10 to the 19th power, or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000. While we [Read More…]
While checking into the best ways to clean our cellphones last weekend, we stumbled across a couple of articles on that most adorable of creatures, the gecko. Despite oftentimes heroic and diligent attempts at staying on topic, we disappeared rather rapidly down a rabbit hole of intriguing herpetological pablum, learning that those creatures, so beloved [Read More…]